Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does SAF stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Sarcoma FFMedical
- Sas-Binding FactorMedical
- Saskatchewan Agriculture and FoodCommon
- Schizophrenia Australia FoundationMedical
- Scrapie-Associated FibrilMedical
- Scrapie-Associated FibrilsMedical
- Scudder New Asia Fund, Inc.Organizations
- Secretary of Air ForceMilitary
- Secure Automated FabricationScience
- Security Assistance ForceMilitary
- Security Authentication FacilityTechnology
- Security Automated FabricationScience
- Segment Address FieldCommon
- Service Access FacilitiesTechnology
- Service Adaption FunctionTechnology
- Service Availability ForumTechnology
- Short Address FormCommon
- Sigma, Aldrich and FlukaCommon
- Single Asian FemaleChat and Slang
- Small Abattoir FederationMedical
SAF Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary