Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PW stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Pratt and WhittneyTechnology
Prairie WarriorMilitary
PowwowChat and Slang
Powder WeightCommon
Pow WowChat and Slang
Potential WellCommon
Potable WaterTechnology
Postnatal WeekMedical
Posterior Wall ThicknessMedical
Posterior WallMedical
Pore WaterMedical
Politechnika WroclawskaCommon
Pleurodeles WaltlMedical
Plasma WaveCommon
Placental WeightMedical
Pivoted WindowCommon
Pittsburgh and West Virginia RailroadOrganizations
Pilot WireCommon
PW Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary