Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PRT stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Platinum Resistance ThermometerScience
- Pulse Repetition TimeMilitary
- PrenticeOrganizations
- Portable Remote TerminalTechnology
- PrintMilitary
- Petroleum Revenue TaxBusiness
- Pulse Recurrence TimeMilitary
- Provincial Reconstruction TeamMilitary
- Prompt Relief TripTechnology
- Program Reference TableTechnology
- Production Run TapeTechnology
- Precision Radiation ThermometerScience
- Power Ratchet ToolScience
- PartyChat and Slang
- Pyrantel PamoateMedical
- Pump Run TimeCommon
- Pulse-Repetition TimeMilitary
- Pulse Rise TimeMedical
- Pulse Repitition TimeTechnology
- Public Rapid TransportCommon
PRT Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary