Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- PhotorefractorinessMedical
- Physical ReaderCommon
- Physical RecordCommon
- Physical RecordsTechnology
- Physics ReviewCommon
- PhytochromeMedical
- Pierre RobinMedical
- Pilot RunMilitary
- Pipe RailCommon
- Piston RodCommon
- Pitch RatioCommon
- Pityriasis RotundaMedical
- Placement and RoutingTechnology
- Placental RestrictionMedical
- Placental RetentionMedical
- Plain RadiographyMedical
- Plain RubberTechnology
- Planetary RadarCommon
- Planetary ReactorCommon
- Planned RelaparotomyMedical
PR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary