Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Production PlanningTechnology
- Priority PollutantsScience
- Primary PressureTechnology
- Present PositionTechnology
- Power PoleScience
- Power PlantCommon
- Pounds PressureScience
- PostpartumMedical
- Post PaidCommon
- Positive PressureMedical
- Point-to-PointTechnology
- Point to PointMilitary
- Plasma ProteinScience
- Planning PackageScience
- Planetary ProgramsScience
- Pay PeriodScience
- Parallel PortTechnology
- PyrophosphateMedical
- PyrophosphataseMedical
- Pyridoxal-5'-PhosphateMedical
PP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary