Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Public ParticipationScience
- Pulmonary Artery PressureMedical
- Pulp and PaperCommon
- Pulsatile PerfusionMedical
- Pulse PlatedCommon
- Pulse PlatingCommon
- Pulse PressureMedical
- Pulse PressuresMedical
- Pulsus ParadoxusMedical
- PumpMedical
- Purchase PriceCommon
- Purkinje PotentialMedical
- PurpuraMedical
- Pusher PropellerCommon
- Pustular PsoriasisMedical
- Putney PublicEducation
- PyloroplastyMedical
- Pyridoxal-5'-PhosphateMedical
- PyrophosphataseMedical
- PyrophosphateMedical
PP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary