Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PLS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Precautions, Limitations and SetpointsScience
- Prepaid Legal ServiceBusiness
- Preschool Language ScaleMedical
- Primary Lateral SclerosisMedical
- Private-Line ServiceCommon
- Professional Liability SectionBusiness
- Profit and Loss StatementBusiness
- Programmable Limit SwitchCommon
- Programmable Logic SolverTechnology
- Projection of Latent StructuresScience
- Projection to Latent StructuresMedical
- Projections to Latent StructuresMedical
- Prostaglandin-Like SubstancesMedical
- Protection Logic SolverTechnology
- ProteoliposomesMedical
- Public Libraries of SaginawEducation
- Publishers Licensing SocietyCommon
- Pulsed Lepton SourceScience
- Pure Live SeedCommon
PLS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary