Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PL stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Path LengthScience
- Partial LossCommon
- PyridoxalMedical
- Pyloric LengthMedical
- Punch LineChat and Slang
- PulvinarMedical
- Pulsed LaserCommon
- Public LibraryCommon
- Public LibrarianCommon
- Proximity LogCommon
- Provisioning ListTechnology
- ProteoliposomesMedical
- ProteolipidsMedical
- ProteolipidMedical
- Protective Life CorporationOrganizations
- Protective Life Corp.Organizations
- Protective LayerCommon
- Protamine-LikeMedical
- PropranololMedical
- Proposed LegislationBusiness
PL Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary