Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PIE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Pulse Interference EmittingTechnology
- Payload Integration EquipmentTechnology
- Pulse Interference EliminationMilitary
- Post-Irradiation ExaminationScience
- Partners in EducationScience
- Pulmonary Interstitial EmphysemaMedical
- Pulmonary Infiltration with EosinophiliaMedical
- Pulmonary Infiltration EosinophiliaMedical
- Pulmonary Infiltrates with EosinophiliaMedical
- Proto Indo-EuropeanCommon
- Protected Information EnvironmentMilitary
- Protease Inhibitor ExperiencedMedical
- Program Interruption ElementCommon
- Program Implementation ExperienceCommon
- Problem-Intervention-EvaluationMedical
- Private Internet ExchangeMilitary
- Presence, Identity and EdgeTechnology
- Presence in Illegal EstablishmentGovernment
- Practical Incidence EstimatorsMedical
- Post-Infective EncephalitisCommon
PIE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary