Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does PE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- PectinMedical
- PectinesteraseMedical
- Pectus ExcavatumMedical
- Peltier EffectCommon
- Pelvic ExaminationMedical
- Pelvic ExenterationMedical
- Pendleton ElementarEducation
- Penetration EnhancerMedical
- Penicillininase EnzymeCommon
- Penile EnlargementMedical
- Penile ErectionMedical
- Penile ErectionsMedical
- PentylCommon
- Peoria and Eastern RailwayOrganizations
- Perceived ExertionMedical
- Percent EffectiveMilitary
- Performance EnhancementTechnology
- Performance ErrorMedical
- Performance ExpectationsEducation
- Pericardial EffusionMedical
PE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary