Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ONS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Office for National StatisticsTechnology
Onboard Navigation SystemsScience
Overseas News ServiceCommon
Oral Nutritional SupplementsMedical
Optic NervesMedical
Optic Nerve TransectionMedical
Optic Nerve SheathMedical
Optic Nerve SectionMedical
Opex Networking SolutionTechnology
Operational Needs StatementMilitary
Operational Need StatementsMilitary
Operational Need StatementCommon
Open Networking SystemTechnology
One Night StandChat and Slang
Oncology Nursing SocietyMedical
On Premise StationMilitary
Omega Navigation SystemCommon
Office of Nursing ServicesGovernment
ONS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary