Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does NL stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Newfoundland and LabradorLocations
- No LimitTechnology
- Network LayerTechnology
- Number LinesTechnology
- Northern LightsMedical
- NormalMedical
- No LoadBusiness
- New LineTechnology
- Navy LighterageMilitary
- Natural LanguageTechnology
- Nyack LibraryEducation
- Nute LibraryEducation
- Numerical LaboratoryScience
- Number of Unallocated Channels on LinkMilitary
- Number of LinesTechnology
- Null LineCommon
- Nuevo LéonCommon
- Nuevo LeonLocations
- Nucleus LateralisMedical
- Nucleus LaminarisMedical
NL Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary