Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MRP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Management Requirements and PracticesScience
Management Requirements and ProceduresScience
Management Resource PlanningCommon
Manpower Requirements and PersonnelTechnology
Manpower Requirements ProgramMilitary
Manual Removal of PlacentaMedical
Manual Removal PlacentaMedical
Marcks-Related ProteinMedical
Marginal Revenue ProductBusiness
Market Representation PartnerCommon
Markov Renewal ProcessMilitary
Master of Regional PlanningCommon
Master Reference PlaneMilitary
Material and Resource PlanningTechnology
Material Requirement PlanningTechnology
Material Resource PlanningTechnology
Material Return ProgramMilitary
Material Review BoardTechnology
Materials Recquirements PlanningChat and Slang
Materials Requirement PlanningTechnology
MRP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary