Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MF stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Molecular FilterCommon
Molecular FieldCommon
Mobile FractionMedical
Mmc and FtMedical
Mixed FrequencyCommon
Mixed FormsMedical
Mixed FlowCommon
Mitral FlowMedical
Mitotic FiguresMedical
Mitotic FigureMedical
Mitotic FibroblastsMedical
Mitogenic FactorsMedical
Mitogenic FactorMedical
Mitochondrial FactorMedical
Missing FundamentalMedical
Miscellaneous Field Studies MapScience
Minority FrontOrganizations
Ministère Des FinancesCommon
Milk FeverMedical
MF Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary