Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MED stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- MediumMilitary
- Master of EducationEducation
- MedicalMilitary
- MediterraneanMilitary
- Manipulative Electronic DeceptionMilitary
- Mobile Energy DepotScience
- MedicineMedical
- Minority Enterprise DevelopmentScience
- Ministry of Economic DevelopmentGovernment
- Minimum Effective DoseMedical
- Minimal Erythema DoseScience
- MedianMedical
- MedialMedical
- Mechanical Engineering DivisionCommon
- Manual Entry DeviceScience
- Multiplexer Entry DescriptorMilitary
- Multiple Epiphyseal DysplasiaMedical
- Motor Endplate DiseaseMedical
- Monocyte Esterase DeficiencyMedical
- Momentum Exchange DeviceScience
MED Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary