Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MBI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Major Budget IssueMilitary
Multiple-Beam InterferometryCommon
Multiple-Beam InterferometerCommon
Multiple-Beam InterferenceCommon
Multi-Bus InterfaceCommon
Mucosal Barrier InjuryMedical
Moody Bible InstituteEducation
Modified Barthel IndexMedical
Minimum Background InvestigationBusiness
Mild Brain InjuryMedical
Meson-Baryon InteractionCommon
Memory Bank InterfaceCommon
Mechanical Breakdown InsuranceBusiness
Mbia, Inc.Organizations
Mathematical Biosciences InstituteEducation
Master of Business InformaticsTechnology
Maslach Burnout InventoryMedical
Market Basket IndexMedical
Manpower Buildup IndexMilitary
Management By InstructionsScience
MBI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary