Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MBC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Mortar Ballistics ComputerMilitary
Mortar Ballistic ComputerMilitary
Minimum Bactericidal ConcentrationMedical
Memory Bus ControllerTechnology
Maximum Breathing CapacityMedical
Married Black CoupleChat and Slang
Myoblast CityMedical
Myeloid Blast CrisisMedical
Multiple Basic ChannelCommon
Multielectrode Basket CatheterMedical
Multi Bit CellTechnology
Morris Brown CollegeEducation
Monthly Benefit CreditedGovernment
Mononuclear Blood CellsMedical
Mononuclear Blood CellMedical
Monocytoid B-CellMedical
Modular Building ConceptMilitary
Model-Based ControlCommon
Mitral Balloon CommissurotomyMedical
Missouri Baptist CollegeEducation
MBC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary