Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does MAC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Moves, Adds, ChangesTechnology
Moves, Adds and ChangesCommon
Mount Aloysius CollegeEducation
Mothers Against CorvisChat and Slang
Mothers Against CircumcisionMedical
Mothers Against CanadaCommon
Most Applications CrashChat and Slang
Mos Associated CircuitCommon
Morphology Antibody ChromosomesMedical
Monticello Area CommunityEducation
Months After ContractMilitary
Momentum Accomodation CoefficientCommon
Modular Admissions CommitteeEducation
Modified Auxiliary ClosureScience
Modified Astler-CollerMedical
Modal Assurance CriteriaTechnology
Mobile Attenuation CodeCommon
Mobile Advisory CouncilTechnology
Mitral Anulus CalcificationMedical
MAC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary