Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Light SmokerChat and Slang
- Linear SclerodermaMedical
- Liquid ScintillationMedical
- Lower StratosphereScience
- Lump SumOrganizations
- Lung SurfactantMedical
- ElseChat and Slang
- L-SelectinMedical
- Laboratory StandardCommon
- Laboratory StarboardScience
- Laboratory SystemCommon
- Labour StartOrganizations
- Lactose SynthaseMedical
- Lacunar StrokeMedical
- Lacunar SyndromeMedical
- Lakeside SchoolEducation
- Lamb ShiftCommon
- Lamellar StructureCommon
- Lan ServicesEducation
- Land ServiceCommon
LS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary