Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does LAT stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Living Apart-TogetherCommon
- Linseed Association TermsCommon
- Linker of Activated t CellsMedical
- Linker for Activation of t CellsMedical
- Linker for Activated t CellsMedical
- Limited Axillary ThoracotomyMedical
- Limbal Autograft TransplantationMedical
- Limbal Allograft TransplantationMedical
- Ligament CompartmentMedical
- Life Assessment TestTechnology
- Lidocaine, Adrenaline and TetracaineMedical
- Licensed Aircraft TechnologistCommon
- Left Atrial ThrombusMedical
- Left Atrial ThrombiMedical
- Left Anterior ThighMedical
- Learning By Advanced TelecommunicationsTechnology
- Ldap Administration ToolCommon
- LatviaMilitary
- LatrunculinMedical
- Latissimus DorsiMedical
LAT Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary