Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does JEM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Japanese Experiment ModuleTechnology
- Jet Engine ModulationTechnology
- Journal of Experimental MedicineMedical
- Joint Exercise ManualMilitary
- Jtrs Enhanced MultibandMilitary
- Jss Enhancement and ModernizationMilitary
- Journal of Electronic MaterialsCommon
- Joint Experts MeetingMilitary
- Joint Environmental MonitoringScience
- Joint Endeavor ManagerCommon
- Job Exposure MatrixMedical
- Job Exposure MatricesMedical
- Jewish Education MagnetEducation
- Java Emf ModelCommon
- Java Eclipse Modeling Framework ModelTechnology
- Japan Electric MachineryCommon
JEM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary