Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IYC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
International Yacht CharterCommon
International Yacht ClubCommon
International Yacht CollectionCommon
International Yacht CouncilCommon
International Year of the ChildOrganizations
International Yield CurveCommon
International Yoga CenterCommon
International Yonsei ClubCommon
International Yonsei CommunityOrganizations
International Youth CampCommon
International Youth CardCommon
International Youth CenterCommon
International Youth ClubCommon
International Youth CommitteeCommon
International Youth ConferenceCommon
International Youth ConventionCommon
International Youth ConvocationCommon
International Youth CupCommon
International Youth for ChristCommon
Internet and Your ChildCommon
IYC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary