Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IVD stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Interactive Video DiskMilitary
- Ivax Diagnostics, Inc.Organizations
- Isovaleryl-Coa DehydrogenaseMedical
- Ischemic Vascular DementiaMedical
- Ischaemic Vascular DementiaMedical
- Ion-Vapor-DepositedMilitary
- Ion Vapor DepositionCommon
- Intravenous DrugMedical
- Intravascular DeviceMedical
- Intervertebral DiskMedical
- Intervertebral DiscsMedical
- Intervertebral DiscMedical
- Internal Vapor DepositionMilitary
- Interactive VideodiscMedical
- Integrated Voice DataTechnology
- Integrated Voice and DataMilitary
- Instrumental Vaginal DeliveryMedical
- Innovative Vehicle DesignCommon
- Inflammatory Vascular DiseaseMedical
- In Vitro DiagnosticMedical
IVD Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary