Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ITC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Investment Tax CreditBusiness
Inter-Agency Testing CommitteeScience
International Trade CommissionGovernment
International Trade CenterBusiness
Inter- ContinentalOrganizations
Isothermal Titration CalorimetryScience
International Typeface CorporationTechnology
International Training CenterCommon
International Trade CentreOrganizations
International Tin CouncilScience
Instrument Technology CenterScience
Innovative Technology CouncilScience
Information Technology CouncilTechnology
Independent Television CommissionTechnology
Independent Telephone CompanyCommon
Illinois Terminal RailroadOrganizations
Igloo Thermal ControlScience
Norfolk SouthernOrganizations
Norfolk and Western RailroadOrganizations
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ITC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary