Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IRM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Iron Mountain Inc.Organizations
- Ion Rate MonitoringScience
- Iodine Radiation MonitorCommon
- International Roaming MinTechnology
- International RoamingMilitary
- International Resource ManagementCommon
- International Research MonitoringCommon
- Intermediate Restorative MaterialMedical
- Intermediate Remedial MeasuresScience
- Intermediate Remedial MeasureScience
- Interim Research MemorandumCommon
- Interim Remedial MeasureScience
- Interference Reflection MicroscopyMedical
- Interface/Radiographic MeasurementScience
- Intelligent Resource ManagementTechnology
- Intelligence Requirements ManagementMilitary
- Integrated Risk ManagementScience
- Integrated Resistance ManagementOrganizations
- Institute for Resource ManagementCommon
- Inspection Repair and MaintenanceBusiness
IRM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary