Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Inferior Rectus MuscleMedical
- Inferior RectusMedical
- Infection RatesMedical
- Infection RateMedical
- Infa-RedTechnology
- Inertial ResistanceCommon
- Inertial ReferenceTechnology
- Industrial RobotCommon
- Industrial ResearchCommon
- Industrial ReadinessMilitary
- Inductive ResistorCommon
- Induced RadioactivityCommon
- Index ReservoirCommon
- Index of ReactivityMedical
- Incremental ReactivityScience
- Increased RiskMedical
- Increase of KKMedical
- Incomplete RevascularizationMedical
- Incomplete ResponseMedical
- Incomplete RepairMedical
IR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary