Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IPP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Intel Primitive PerformanceTechnology
- Integrated Project PlanningBusiness
- Integrated Program PlanCommon
- Integrated Planning ProcessBusiness
- Integrated Performance PrimitivesTechnology
- Integrated Performance PrimativesTechnology
- Institution Published ProgrammesEducation
- Institute of Plasma PhysicsCommon
- Institute for Public PolicyScience
- Institute for Petroleum ProductsTechnology
- Installation Protection ProgramMilitary
- Inplane DistortionScience
- Inositol PentaphosphateMedical
- Innovative Partnerships ProgramScience
- Injury Prevention ProgramCommon
- Initiation-Promotion-ProgressionMedical
- Initial Provisioning ProgrammeCommon
- Infrastructure Portal ProviderTechnology
- Information Processing ProtocolMilitary
- Inflatable Penile ProsthesisMedical
IPP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary