Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IND stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Internuclear DistanceCommon
- International Number DialingCommon
- International Nomenclature of DiseasesMedical
- Intermediate Neuroblasts DefectiveMedical
- Ing Group, N.V.Organizations
- Information Networks DivisionMilitary
- Inflammatory Neurological DiseasesMedical
- Inflammatory Neurological DiseaseMedical
- Industrial Water SupplyScience
- Industrial Metabolism ProjectScience
- IndustriaScience
- IndusTechnology
- IndurationMedical
- InductanceCommon
- IndorsementMilitary
- IndonesianLocations
- IndonesiaCommon
- IndomethacinMedical
- IndometacinMedical
- IndoleMedical
IND Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary