Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ILC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Instruction Length CodeTechnology
- Isdn Link ControllerTechnology
- Initial Launch CapabilityScience
- International Latex CorporationScience
- Intermediate Load CycleScience
- Instruction Location CounterCommon
- Independent Living CenterMedical
- Irreversible Letter of CreditCommon
- Ion/Liquid ChromatographyCommon
- Invasive Lobular CarcinomasMedical
- Invasive Lobular CarcinomaMedical
- Invasive Lobular Breast CarcinomasMedical
- Invasive Lobular Breast CancerMedical
- Intranet Labor ClaimingCommon
- Interstitial Laser CoagulationMedical
- International Logistics CenterMilitary
- International Lifeboat ConferenceCommon
- International Leased CarrierMilitary
- International Labor ConferenceCommon
- Internal Lethal ConcentrationMedical
ILC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary