Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IEM stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Interim Examination and MaintenanceScience
Interstitial-Electron ModelScience
Itinerant Electron MetamagneticCommon
Ion Exchange MembraneCommon
Institut Electrotechnique MontefioriCommon
Immunoelectron MicroscopyScience
Immersion Electron MicroscopeCommon
Iowa Electronic MarketsCommon
Invalid End of MessageMilitary
Interpretative and Explanatory MaterialTechnology
International Equity MarketBusiness
International Environmental ManagementCommon
Internal Elastic MembraneMedical
Integrated Esm MastMilitary
Integrated Electronic MastMilitary
Integrated Ecosystem ManagementGovernment
Institute of Experimental MeteorologyScience
Institute of Environmental ManagersOrganizations
Installation Equipment ManagerMilitary
Installation Equipment Management Iem-BarcisMilitary
IEM Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary