Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ICB stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Integrated Cluster BusCommon
Integration Control BoardMilitary
Interconnecting BoxScience
Interference Calibration BlankCommon
Interleave Cell BusterCommon
Internal Common BusCommon
Internal Coolant BypassScience
International Commodity BodyCommon
International Competitive BiddingTechnology
International Container BureauCommon
International Correspondent BankerBusiness
Interrupt Control BitCommon
Interstate Computer BankCommon
Intracavitary BrachytherapyMedical
Intracerebral BleedMedical
Intracoronary BrachytherapyMedical
Ion Cluster BeamCommon
Ionized Cluster BeamScience
Iris and Ciliary BodyMedical
Iris-Ciliary BodyMedical
ICB Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary