Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Impregnated CarbonCommon
Impression CytologyMedical
Imprint CytologyMedical
Imprinting CenterMedical
Imprinting CentreMedical
In ContextChat and Slang
In-Cloud LightningScience
Inactive ConditionMedical
Inbound CollectScience
Incentive CompensationScience
Incident CommandGovernment
Incident CommandersCommon
Incident ControlScience
Inclusion ComplexCommon
Incoming CallTechnology
Incomplete CombustionCommon
Indenture CodeTechnology
Indenture Code Instruction CounterMilitary
Independence ContinuationEducation
Independent CarrierCommon
IC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary