Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does IAS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Internal Anal SphincterMedical
Internal and SphincterMedical
Internal Audio SubsystemScience
Internal Audio SystemScience
Internal Audit ServiceGovernment
International Accountants SocietyCommon
International Aids SocietyMedical
International Armaments StrategyMilitary
International Army StaffCommon
International Association of SiderographistsCommon
International Auditing StandardsCommon
International Aviculturists SocietyMedical
Internet Access ServerTechnology
Internet Advertising ServiceTechnology
Internet Authentication ServerTechnology
Internet Authentication ServiceTechnology
Interpersonal Adjective ScalesMedical
Intracranial AneurysmsMedical
Inventory Archive SystemTechnology
Iowa Academy of SciencesCommon
IAS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary