Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does HRS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Hovering Rocket SystemCommon
Housing Referral ServiceMilitary
Host Resident SoftwareCommon
Homologous RegionsMedical
Homing ReceptorsMedical
Holy Rosary SchoolEducation
Holographic Readout SystemScience
Holidaysburg and Roaring Spring Railroad CompanyOrganizations
Holidaysburg and Roaring Spring RailroadOrganizations
Hodgkin's and Reed-SternbergMedical
Hodgkin and Reed-SternbergMedical
Historic Resource StudyOrganizations
Histidyl-Trna SynthetaseMedical
High-Resolution SpectrometryCommon
High-Resolution SpectrometerCommon
High-Resolution SpectrographyCommon
High-Resolution SensingCommon
High-Resolution ScenariosMilitary
HRS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary