Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does HLC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Heavy Lift CapabilityScience
Iata Code for Hill City Municipal Airport, Hill City, Kansas, United StatesLocations
Human Lymphocyte CulturesMedical
Human Lung CancerMedical
Host Level CallCommon
Hindlimb ContractionMedical
Higher Layer CompatibilityMilitary
High-Level CaveScience
High Layer CompatibilityMilitary
High Layer CompartmentScience
High Layer CapabilitiesCommon
Hiawathaland Library CooperativeEducation
Henry's Law ConstantMedical
Heartland Library CooperativeEducation
Health Locus of Control ScaleMedical
Health Locus of ControlMedical
Headwater Level ControlCommon
Hannibal-Lagrange CollegeEducation
HLC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary