Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does HES stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- High Early StrengthCommon
- High-Energy ScatteringCommon
- High-Explosive SpottingCommon
- High-Explosive, ShellCommon
- High-Explosive, SmokeCommon
- Higher Education SystemsOrganizations
- Highgrove Elementary SchoolEducation
- Highland Elementary SchoolEducation
- Highlands Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hill Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hillcrest Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hills Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hillsborough Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hillsdale Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hillside Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hirsch Elementary SchoolEducation
- History of Education SocietyEducation
- Hodge Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hoffer Elementary SchoolEducation
- Hoffman Elementary SchoolEducation
HES Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary