Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does GI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Gestion De L'InformationMilitary
Gesellschaft Fuer InformatikTechnology
Gesellschaft Fã¼r InformatikTechnology
Germination IndexMedical
Geophysical InstituteCommon
Geometric IsomerCommon
Geographic InformationScience
Geographic IndexBusiness
Geodesic IsotensoidCommon
Genomic InstabilityMedical
Genomic ImprintingMedical
Genomic ImbalancesMedical
Genogroup IIMedical
Generic IdentifierCommon
General IssueCommon
General IonexCommon
General InventoryChat and Slang
General InspectionMilitary
General InfantryChat and Slang
Gaussian IntegrationCommon
GI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary