Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does FR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Fertilization RateMedical
- FerritinMedical
- Fermi ResonanceCommon
- Fenton's ReagentMedical
- Fenton ReactionMedical
- Felicity RatioCommon
- Fehrenbacher and RiceCommon
- Feed RestrictionMedical
- Feed RateCommon
- Federal RegulationsGovernment
- Federal RegulationMilitary
- Federal RegistryCommon
- Fecundability RatioMedical
- Feasibility ReportTechnology
- Fear-RelevantMedical
- Fault ReportingTechnology
- Fatigue ResistantMedical
- Fatigue RatioCommon
- Fatigue RatingTechnology
- FatherMedical
FR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary