Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does FH stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Fresnel HologramCommon
Frequency HopperMilitary
Frequency HopMilitary
French HybridCommon
Freedom HighEducation
Frazier HighEducation
Fraunhofer HologramCommon
Frankfort HorizontalMedical
Frame HandlerTechnology
Frag1 HomologyMedical
Fracture HydrologyCommon
Foster HomeGovernment
Formin HomologyMedical
Fore HatchCommon
Foothills HighEducation
Foothill HighEducation
Food HypersensitivityMedical
Food HygieneMedical
Food for the HungryMedical
FH Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary