Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does FCC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Fabric Card ChassisTechnology
Fabrication Control CardScience
Face Centered CubicScience
Face-Centred CubicMedical
Facilities Command CenterScience
Facility Category CodeTechnology
Falls Church City SchoolsEducation
False Claiming CitizenshipGovernment
False Color CompositeScience
Family-Centered CareMedical
Fast Communication ControllerTechnology
Federal Communications ComissionTechnology
Federal Coordinating CouncilCommon
Fédération Des Coopératives De ConsommationCommon
Federation of Crafts and CommerceCommon
Feedforward/Cascade ControlCommon
Fffederal Communication CommissionMilitary
Ffflight Control ComputerMilitary
Fibrocystic ChangeMedical
Fire Control CalculationsTechnology
FCC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary