Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does FC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Flight ControllerCommon
Flight CrewCommon
Flight CycleTechnology
Flip ChipScience
Flood ControlCommon
Florida CollegeEducation
Florida CurrentCommon
Flotation ChemistryCommon
Flotillia CommanderMilitary
Flow CalorimetryCommon
Flow ControlCommon
Flow ControllerScience
Flow ConvergenceMedical
Flow CytometeryMedical
Flow CytometricMedical
Flow Cytometric AnalysisMedical
Flow CytometryMedical
Floyd CollegeEducation
Fluctuating CognitionMedical
Fludarabine and CyclophosphamideMedical
FC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary