Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does EP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Extraction ProcedureScience
- Electronic ProtectionMilitary
- Explorer PlatformScience
- European ParliamentOrganizations
- Emergency PreparednessMilitary
- Electrical PowerScience
- Extreme PressureScience
- Extended PlayChat and Slang
- Explosive PackageScience
- Experimental ProductScience
- Execution PlanningMilitary
- Exceedance ProbabilityScience
- Evoked PotentialsMedical
- European PharmacopoeiaMedical
- European PatentCommon
- Error ProtectionTechnology
- Error PropagationMilitary
- Equipment PublicationTechnology
- EpoxyCommon
- Epitaxial PlanarCommon
EP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary