Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does EP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- EnisoprostMedical
- Enlisted PersonnelMilitary
- Enosburg PublicEducation
- Enrollment PeriodMedical
- Enter and ProceedCommon
- EnteropeptidaseMedical
- Enterprise PortalTechnology
- Enterprise PublicEducation
- Entitled PersonnelMilitary
- Entopeduncular NucleusMedical
- Entry PointScience
- Environment ProtectionScience
- Environmental ParameterCommon
- Environmental ParkCommon
- Environmental PhysiologyCommon
- Enzootic PneumoniaMedical
- Eosinophilic PneumoniaMedical
- EpendymomaMedical
- EphedrineMedical
- EpididymalMedical
EP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary