Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does EOI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
End or IdentifyTechnology
End of InterruptTechnology
Earth Orbit InsertionScience
Expression of InterestEducation
End of InputTechnology
Electro-Optic ImageryMilitary
Extended Optional InfinitiveMedical
Expressions of InterestBusiness
Expressioms of InterestChat and Slang
European Osteosarcoma IntergroupMedical
Equipment Operating InstructionTechnology
Engineering Operating InstructionScience
End of IrradiationCommon
End of InquiryCommon
End of InformationCommon
End of ImageMilitary
End of IdentityMilitary
Emotional OverinvolvementMedical
Electron Optics InstrumentCommon
Eaton Vance Enhance Equity Income FundOrganizations
EOI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary