Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ECP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Extracellular ProductsMedical
- Extracellular ProductMedical
- Extracellular PolysaccharidesMedical
- Extracellular PolymerMedical
- External CounterpulsationMedical
- External Compliance PlanScience
- External Casing PackerCommon
- Extended Coherent ProcessingMilitary
- Extended Centronics PortCommon
- Extended Capability PortTechnology
- Exponential Corrugated PotentialScience
- Explicit Coded ProgramCommon
- Exercise Control PlanMilitary
- Exempt Commercial PolicyholderBusiness
- Executive Control ProgramTechnology
- Executive Cellular ProcessorMilitary
- Exchange Coupled PairScience
- Exchange Core PolarizationScience
- Excessive CrosspostingTechnology
- Excessive Cross PostingChat and Slang
ECP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary