Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DTR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Data Terminal ReadyTechnology
Demand-Totalizing RelayCommon
Definite Time RelayCommon
Defense Transportation RegulationMilitary
Draft Technical ReportTechnology
Document Transmittal RecordScience
Distribution Tape ReelScience
Digital Telemetering RegisterTechnology
Digital Tape RecorderTechnology
Diffusion Transfer ReversalScience
Deep Tendon ReflexMedical
Dedicated Token RingTechnology
Data Transfer RateTechnology
Data Terminal ReaderTechnology
Daily Transaction ReportingTechnology
Dynamic Transaction RoutingCommon
Down-Time RatioScience
Double Trouble in RecoveryMedical
Double Taxation ReliefBusiness
Don't Try to RingCommon
DTR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary