Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DTR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Deep Tendon ReflexesMedical
Defense Terrestrial ReactorScience
Defense Trade RegulationsMilitary
Delivery to ReclamationScience
Delivery Truck RampCommon
Department Telecommunications RepresentativeEducation
Departmental Telecommunications RepresentativeCommon
Design Test ReportTechnology
Desktop ReplacementTechnology
Desktop ReproductionTechnology
Detail Transaction ReportCommon
Development and Test ResourceScience
Development Test ReportScience
Development Test RequestTechnology
Diffusion TransferCommon
Digital Target ReportCommon
Diphtheria Toxin ReceptorMedical
Diphtheria Toxin-ResistantMedical
DTR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary