Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DPP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Delegation to Private PartiesCommon
Deliberate Planning ProcessMilitary
Demand Priority ProtocolCommon
Democratic People's PartyOrganizations
Dentin PhosphophorynMedical
Dentin PhosphoproteinMedical
Dentine PhosphophorynMedical
Dentine PhosphoproteinMedical
Detailed Planning PhaseMilitary
Development Payment PlanTechnology
Dextran Phosphate PrecipitateCommon
Di-4-Phloretin PhosphateMedical
Di-n-Pentyl PhthalateMedical
Diabetes Prevention ProgramMedical
Differential Pulse PolarographicMedical
Digital Parallel ProcessorCommon
Dining Philosophers ProblemCommon
Dipeptide PermeaseMedical
Dipeptidyl AminopeptidaseMedical
Dipeptidyl PeptidaseMedical
DPP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary