Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DPI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Days PostimmunizationMedical
- Days PostimplantationMedical
- Days PostinfectionMedical
- Days PostinoculationMedical
- Deep Packet InspectionTechnology
- Defects Per InstallationCommon
- Department of Planning and InfrastructureGovernment
- Despentapeptide InsulinMedical
- Detected Pulse InterferenceMilitary
- Device Plug-inTechnology
- Device/Programmer InterfaceCommon
- Dietary Protein IntakeMedical
- Different Premises InformationCommon
- Digital Phone InterfaceTechnology
- Digital Pressure IndicatorCommon
- Digital Printing and Imaging AssociationMilitary
- Digital Program InsertionTechnology
- Diphenylen Iodonium ChlorideMedical
- Diphenylene IodiniumMedical
- Diphenylene IodoniumMedical
DPI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary