Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DI stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Defective InterferingMedical
- Defective Interfering ParticleMedical
- Defense InformationScience
- Definite IntegralCommon
- Deformability IndexMedical
- Deformation IndexMedical
- Degradation IncreaseCommon
- Degranulation IndexMedical
- DeiodinaseMedical
- DeionizationMedical
- DeionizedScience
- Deionized WaterMedical
- Delayed IntensificationMedical
- Deliverable ItemCommon
- Dens InvaginatusMedical
- Densely InhabitedCommon
- Dental ImplantCommon
- Dentinogenesis ImperfectaMedical
- DeoxyinosineMedical
- Department of IndustryCommon
DI Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary